'We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us', Philippians 4:13; Be bold, be strong, for the Lord our God is with us' Joshua 1:9: Our Christian Value for this half term is: Friendship
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Banks Methodist SchoolLearning Together with Resilience and Faith

Welcome toBanks Methodist SchoolLearning Together with Resilience and Faith

Contact Details

Mr Stephen Draper
Banks Methodist School

Chapel Lane






Enquiries should be addressed to Mr Draper, Headteacher


Telephone: 01704 227323



School Business Support Officer- Miss Beverley Callander


Telephone: 01704 227323 


SENCo- Mrs Holly Benn


Telephone: 01704 227323


Marvelous Mice - Mrs Laidler -


Super Squirrels - Mrs Benn -


Happy Hedgehogs - Miss Hepworth -

Happy Hedgehogs - Miss Wilson -


Fabulous Foxes - Mrs Winstanley -




Contact Us

Fill this in to ask a question.

Communication between school and home is really important to us as a school.


Every day Mr Draper or one of the staff is available at the front door as the children come in to school to speak to parents and to take any messages to pass on to the class teachers. If there is anything which you feel may affect your child in school during the day please let us know then we can take extra care of them during the session.

Every evening the class teachers will bring the children to the front door to safely hand over your children to you and they are always happy to speak to you at this time.


If you would like an appointment with either Mr Draper or the class teacher please ask to arrange one at a mutually convenient time.


Every week we send out a newsletter which keeps parents up to date with what is happening in school and gives future diary dates. This newsletter is also put onto the website every Friday evening.

We will email to pass on reminders or important information so please ensure school always has your up to date email address.


Parents who have children in Reception to Year 6 will receive 3 reports throughout the year. The first report will be at the end of the Autumn Term with assessment information, targets and a teacher comment. The second report will be at the end of the Spring Term with assessment details for Reading, Writing and Mathematics. The final report will be at the end of the Summer Term with assessment information, targets for the next academic year and a teacher comment.


Parents are invited to two parents evening per year. The 1st one (after half term) is where the teachers will discuss how the children are settling down in their new year group and their progress at this stage. The 2nd one will be in the Spring Term to discuss their progress in class from the last meeting.


In the Summer Term parents are sent a written report and parents are invited to make an appointment if they wish to discuss this in more detail.


The school has a parents group called BMSC ~ Banks Methodist School Community. All information can be found in their section on the school website, located in the parents section.


If you require a paper copy of any of the information on our website and any policies, we will happily provide free of charge. Please contact the school office. Thank you 
