'We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us', Philippians 4:13; Be bold, be strong, for the Lord our God is with us' Joshua 1:9: Our Christian Value for this half term is: Friendship
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Banks Methodist SchoolLearning Together with Resilience and Faith

Welcome toBanks Methodist SchoolLearning Together with Resilience and Faith

Uniform Information

Our Winter school uniform is:

  • Navy blue trousers/Navy Tartan Pinafore/Navy Tartan Box Pleat Skirt

  • White polo shirt (logo optional) - Reception to Year 2

  • White shirt - can be short or long sleeved (a white shirt is preferred but a polo shirt is fine) - Year 3-6 

  • Navy Tie - Year 3-6

  • Ink blue v neck jumper with logo or ink blue cardigan with logo.

  • Black sensible shoes (no heels)
  • Plain white or navy socks ( no bows)
  • In winter please make sure your child has a warm, waterproof coat, hat and gloves.


Hair accessories - these should be small and in school colours.  NO JOJO BOWS or BIG HEADBANDS ALLOWED.


In addition in the Summer term children may also wear:

  • Navy shorts or lilac/white check dress
  • Shoes must be flat-heeled, comfortable and sensible.


Uniform is also available in Whittakers, Southport(previously known as Rawcliffes) or Zips and Snips, Eastbank Street, Southport.  If you need any help placing an order please speak to Miss Harrison in the office


ALL CLOTHING, likely to be removed, MUST be CLEARLY

marked with YOUR CHILD’S NAME


P.E Kit

Children will come to school dressed in their PE kit on their designated PE days. Children can come to school in trainers and have a pair of black pumps in their locker (in class for children in Mice)

  • Navy shorts
  • Purple PE top (logo optional)
  • Black pumps
  • During colder months children can wear tracksuit pants (navy if possible) and their school jumper/cardigan


Swimming Kit

Children only -

  • trunks [not shorts] or one piece swimsuit

  • towel

  • swimming caps [both boys and girls]

    All should be in a waterproof carrier bag.



