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Banks Methodist SchoolLearning Together with Resilience and Faith

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Importance of Times Tables

Here are some of the benefits that mastering times tables can bring 


1. Learning basic times tables will make it easier to learn more challenging ones – for example if children know their 3 times tables, they will be able to work out their 6 times tables by doubling the answer.


2. When children frequently, successfully recall their times tables they will grow in confidence, which will not only help them tackle more challenging maths problems, but will help to keep them motivated and engaged across other subjects too.


3. Multiplication underpins many other aspects of mathematics such as algebra, division and fractions – an early understanding of multiplication will help children right up to GCSE level and beyond.


4. Recalling times tables improves memory skills, which is a transferrable skill that will help children throughout school and into adult life.


5. Children will find it easier to solve maths problems and to do mental arithmetic if they have already memorised their times tables.


6. Children will find maths exams less daunting as they will be assured in their ability to recall times tables. This means that when tackling more challenging maths problems they can easily recall and apply their existing knowledge whilst focusing on the question.


7. Multiplication is used day to day throughout adulthood, whether it’s working out price reductions, doubling recipes or splitting bills!
