'We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us', Philippians 4:13; Be bold, be strong, for the Lord our God is with us' Joshua 1:9: Our Christian Value for this half term is: Trust
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Banks Methodist SchoolLearning Together with Resilience and Faith

Welcome toBanks Methodist SchoolLearning Together with Resilience and Faith

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‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’ Philippians 4:13


“Be bold and strong! Banish fear and doubt! For remember, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9


Letter No. 38                                                                                                  Christian Value: Trust    

12th July 2024



Dear Parents and Carers,


Teaching Staff for September

Marvelous Mice – Mrs Laidler

Super Squirrels – Mrs Benn

Happy Hedgehogs – Miss Hepworth (Mon-Wed) and Miss Wilson       covering Mrs Bradshaw’s maternity (Thurs-Fri)

Fabulous Foxes – Mrs Winstanley


Sunflower Competition

Thank you for all your amazing pictures, we have many future gardeners at Banks Methodist. We will share the pictures together during next week and all children who sent in a picture will receive a certificate.


Monday Morning

If your child is a football fan and likely to be staying up until potentially after 11pm on Sunday to watch the Final, then let them stay in bed a little longer and get to school by 10am on Monday morning. We would rather have children rested and in school ready to learn, rather than absent all day or grumpy! 


School will be open as normal (from 7:45am for breakfast club and doors opening at 8:45am) and children arriving up to 10am will not be classed as late.


Nursery children will need to be by 9:35am as we will be leaving for Windmill Animal Farm at 9:45am.


This is a significant event for our country and something for us all to celebrate, whatever the outcome. It will be wonderful to talk to the children about many aspects of our British values: the national anthem, our history, teamwork, pride, resilience and about being humble in victory and gracious in defeat.


Let’s dare to dream (hopefully with a better outcome from 2021) ...... IT'S COMING HOME!


Sports Day

Our rearranged Sports Day will take place on Tuesday 16th July (fingers crossed for good weather), starting at 1:15pm. The BMSC will selling tuck shop throughout the event.



End of Year Celebration

Our ‘End of Year Celebration’ will take place in school on Wednesday 17th July, starting at 2:15pm. Unfortunately, we can’t hold it at Banks St Stephen’s Church due to the unsafe roof. Reverend Rebecca will join us in school to close our celebration. Doors will open at 2pm – everyone is             welcome.


Year 6 Leavers Celebration

On Friday 19th July we will have our Year 6 leavers celebration, starting at 12pm (arrive at school between 11:50am-12pm). Family members of the Year 6 children are invited to come into school for a picnic lunch at 12pm and then take part in the Year 6 leavers celebration in the school hall at approximately 12:40pm with all the children and staff.


Summer Holiday

Just a reminder that school closes on Friday 19th July at 1:15pm for the summer break, opening on Monday 2nd September for the new academic year.


Head lice

We have been informed that some children have had head lice. Head lice and nits are very common in young children. They don't have anything to do with dirty hair and are usually picked up from head-to-head contact. Please look at the website provided for guidance of the most effective way to treat children with head lice:



If your child(ren) is ill and not attending school it is important that you inform school by 9:15am. If the phone is engaged it is fine to leave a message using option 1 (reporting a pupil absence) or email


More on Attendance

The Department for Education has recently announced national changes to penalty notices issued for unauthorised absence in term time. These changes will come into effect on 19 August 2024.

The changes to be aware of are:

  • Penalty notices issued for offences that take place after 19 August 2024 will be charged at a new rate of £160 per parent per child. This can be paid at £80 if paid within 21 days.


  • Any second penalty notice issued to the same parent for the same child within a rolling 3-year period will be issued at the rate of £160 to be paid within 28 days with no option for a discounted rate.


  • The threshold at which a penalty notice must be considered is set at 10 sessions (equivalent to 5 days) of unauthorised absence within a rolling 10-school week period. This may include absences as a result of arriving late after the register closes. The 10 school weeks may span different terms or school years.


  • A maximum of 2 penalty notices may be issued to a parent for the same child within a rolling 3-year period, so at the 3rd (or subsequent) offence(s) another course of action will need to be considered (such as prosecution or one of the other attendance legal interventions). 


  • Only penalty notices issued for absences taking place after 19 August 2024 will count towards the above thresholds.


Absences can have a lasting effect on learning

Missing a week of school means your child will miss around 25 hours of learning

This creates gaps in their knowledge and could mean they will not meet their full potential

Battery Recycling

At school we help the environment by collecting old batteries for recycling. Please put old batteries in the white container which is located in Miss Callander’s office. Thanks in advance of your support.


Nursery Places

We are booking in Nursery places for September onwards, so if you are interested, or know of anyone who is interested, reserve your place by contacting Miss Callander in the school office at         or 01704 227323.


Breakfast and Afterschool Care Provision

Breakfast and Afterschool provision is available, booking on-line through Eduspot.


Breakfast Care:

7:45am drop off £2.50

8am drop off £2

8:30am drop off £1


After School Care

3:15-4:30pm £4.50 (Monday – Friday)

3:15-5:30pm £6.50 (Monday – Thursday)

4:15-4:35pm £2 – if attending a free club but still need after school care

4:15-5:30pm £4.50 – if attending a free club but still require after school care


If you need after school care with short notice, e.g. next day and are not able to book in, please could you ring Miss Callander in the office to let her know, especially for a 5:30pm pick up.


If children have not been booked in to care in advance and no other children are in after school care, there will be no staff prepared to supervise the children. 


However, we will always try out best to accommodate late requests and, if possible, have staff available to work at short notice. Thank you for your understanding.


Breakfast and Afterschool Care Provision Price Increases from September 2024

As you know, we have the prices as low we have possibly can over the years but with all the continuing increasing costs, we are having to make adjustments for September.


New Costs:

Breakfast Care:

7:45am drop off £3

8am drop off £2.50

8:30am drop off £1.50


After School Care

3:15-4:30pm £5 (Monday – Friday)

3:15-5:30pm £7 (Monday – Thursday)

4:15-4:35pm £2.50 – if attending a free club but still need after school care

4:15-5:30pm £5 – if attending a free club but still require after school care


School Dinners

Lunch Choices for the first week back after half term (week beginning 15th July 2024)

If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 they are entitled to a free school dinner.


Meat free Monday Meal

Choice 1 – Cheese and tomato calzone with wedges and corn on the cob

Choice 2 – Sandwiches with either ham, cheese or tuna

Dessert – Oat and raisin flapjack or fruit

Traditional Tuesday Meal

Choice 1 – Cumberland sausage with creamy mash, peas, carrots and gravy

Choice 2 – Vegetarian sausage with creamy mash, peas, carrots and gravy

Choice 3 – Jacket potato with either beans, cheese or tuna (children can have 2 fillings)

Dessert – Apple crumble and custard or fruit

Mid-week Roast Wednesday Meal

Choice 1 – Roast chicken fillet with roast potatoes, vegetable medley, stuffing and gravy

Choice 2 – Quorn fillet with roast potatoes, vegetable medley, stuffing and gravy

Choice 3 – Sandwiches with either ham, cheese or tuna

Dessert – Iced strawberry smoothie or fruit

Around the World Thursday Meal

Choice 1 – Italian Bolognese pasta bake with garlic bread and side salad

Choice 2 – Veggie mince pasta bake with garlic bread and side salad

Choice 3 – Jacket potato with either beans, cheese or tuna (children can have 2 fillings)

Dessert – Fruity jelly with ice cream or fruit

Fish Friday Meal

Choice 1 – Fish fingers with chips and either beans or sweetcorn

Choice 2 – Veggie fingers with chips and either beans or sweetcorn

Choice 3 – Sandwiches with either ham, cheese or tuna

Dessert – Homemade cookies and milk drink or fruit


Online Payment System

Please could you remember to logon to the online payment system and pay for nursery fees, dinner money etc. on a regular basis. 


If you think you may be entitled to free school meals you can apply online or email/ring Miss Callander in the school office who will happily assist you to complete an application.


If you need assistance with the online payment system, please email/ring Miss Callander who will be happy to help you through the online process. Thank you for your understanding.


Take care

Mr Draper and all the team at Banks Methodist


‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’ Philippians 4:13


“Be bold and strong! Banish fear and doubt! For remember, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9


Letter No. 37                                                                                                  Christian Value: Trust    

5th July 2024



Dear Parents and Carers,


Hedgehogs Trip to Astley Park

On Tuesday 11th July Hedgehogs will be going to Astley Park for their seasonal walk. This is a change from White Coppice. They will leave school at 9:15am and be back for 12:30pm in time for lunch. Children will be in their PE kits as it is their PE kit day. They will need to wear trainers and bring a coat which can be left on the bus if not needed.


Pre-School and Reception Trip to Smithills Farm

Thank you for returning letters regarding Pre-School and Reception’s trip to Smithills Farm on Wednesday 10th July. If you have yet signed the consent form, please can it be sent in on Monday. Thank you for your cooperation.


A letter regarding Nursery’s trip to Windmill Farm will be sent out on Monday 8th July.



Coffee Morning

The next BMSC Coffee Morning is on Wednesday 10th July, 9-10:15am. If you cannot attend but would like to buy a raffle ticket at the cost of £2.50 for a chance to win a prize, please contact the BMSC on #TeamBanks


Sports Day

Just a reminder that Sports Day is on Tuesday 16th July, 1:15pm start.



If your child(ren) is ill and not attending school it is important that you inform school by 9:15am (9:30am at latest). If the phone is engaged it is fine to leave a message using option 1 (reporting a pupil absence) or email If you do not


More on Attendance

The Department for Education has recently announced national changes to penalty notices issued for unauthorised absence in term time. These changes will come into effect on 19 August 2024.

The changes to be aware of are:

  • Penalty notices issued for offences that take place after 19 August 2024 will be charged at a new rate of £160 per parent per child. This can be paid at £80 if paid within 21 days.


  • Any second penalty notice issued to the same parent for the same child within a rolling 3-year period will be issued at the rate of £160 to be paid within 28 days with no option for a discounted rate.


  • The threshold at which a penalty notice must be considered is set at 10 sessions (equivalent to 5 days) of unauthorised absence within a rolling 10-school week period. This may include absences as a result of arriving late after the register closes. The 10 school weeks may span different terms or school years.


  • A maximum of 2 penalty notices may be issued to a parent for the same child within a rolling 3-year period, so at the 3rd (or subsequent) offence(s) another course of action will need to be considered (such as prosecution or one of the other attendance legal interventions). 


  • Only penalty notices issued for absences taking place after 19 August 2024 will count towards the above thresholds.


Absences can have a lasting effect on learning

Missing a week of school means your child will miss around 25 hours of learning

This creates gaps in their knowledge and could mean they will not meet their full potential


Battery Recycling

At school we help the environment by collecting old batteries for recycling. Please put old batteries in the white container which is located in Miss Callander’s office. Thanks in advance of your support.


Sunflower Competition

Send pictures to of your child with their sunflower by Monday 8th July


Key Dates:


9th – Hedgehogs trip to Astley Park, 9:15-12pm

10th – Pre-School and Reception trip to Smithills Farm

10th – BMSC Coffee Morning, 9-10:15am

12th – Foxes trip to Rock and River

15th – Nursery trip to Windmill Farm

16th – Transition Session 3, 9-10:45am

16th – Sports Day, 1:15pm

17th – End of year service in school, 2:15pm

18th – Squirrels end of year trip to Martin Mere, 9am – 3pm

18th – Foxes trip to Astley Park, 9:45am-2:30pm

19th – Year 6 Leaver’s Worship and Picnic, 12pm

19th – School closes for the Summer Holiday, 1:15pm


Nursery Places

We are booking in Nursery places for September onwards, so if you are interested, or know of anyone who is interested, reserve your place by contacting Miss Callander in the school office at or 01704 227323.


Breakfast and Afterschool Care Provision

Breakfast and Afterschool provision is available, booking on-line through Eduspot.


Breakfast Care:

7:45am drop off £2.50

8am drop off £2

8:30am drop off £1


After School Care

3:15-4:30pm £4.50 (Monday – Friday)

3:15-5:30pm £6.50 (Monday – Thursday)

4:15-4:35pm £2 – if attending a free club but still need after school care

4:15-5:30pm £4.50 – if attending a free club but still require after school care


If you need after school care with short notice, e.g. next day and are not able to book in, please could you ring Miss Callander in the office to let her know, especially for a 5:30pm pick up.


If children have not been booked in to care in advance and no other children are in after school care, there will be no staff prepared to supervise the children. 


However, we will always try out best to accommodate late requests and, if possible, have staff available to work at short notice. Thank you for your understanding.


School Dinners

Lunch Choices for the first week back after half term (week beginning 8th July 2024)

If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 they are entitled to a free school dinner.


Meat free Monday Meal

Choice 1 – Macaroni cheese with garlic flatbread and carrot/cucumber sticks

Choice 2 – Sandwiches with either ham, cheese or tuna

Dessert – Lemon drizzle cake or fruit

Traditional Tuesday Meal

Choice 1 – Beef burger (cheese optional) with tortilla chips and mixed salad

Choice 2 – Veggie burger (cheese optional) with tortilla chips and mixed salad

Choice 3 – Jacket potato with either beans, cheese or tuna (children can have 2 fillings)

Dessert – Chocolate sponge and chocolate custard or fruit

Mid-week Roast Wednesday Meal

Choice 1 – Roast ham with roast potatoes, vegetable medley and gravy

Choice 2 – Cauliflower cheese with roast potatoes, vegetable medley and gravy

Choice 3 – Sandwiches with either ham, cheese or tuna

Dessert – Iced raspberry ripple mousse or fruit

Around the World Thursday Meal

Choice 1 – Chicken chow mein with mixed peppers

Choice 2 – Vegetable chow mein with mixed peppers

Choice 3 – Jacket potato with either beans, cheese or tuna (children can have 2 fillings)

Dessert – Fresh fruit salad

Fish Friday Meal

Choice 1 – Fish cakes with chips and sweetcorn or beans

Choice 2 – Veggie fingers with chips and sweetcorn or beans

Choice 3 – Sandwiches with either ham, cheese or tuna

Dessert – Homemade traybake or fruit


After School Clubs – There will be no After School Clubs during the final week of the term

Tuesday's will be Striking and Fielding games for children in Squirrels, Hedgehogs and Foxes, 3:15-4:15pm, delivered by a coach from the West Lancashire Sports Partnership


Tuesday’s will be Football Club for children in Year 2 – Year 6 with Mr Draper and Mr Wedlin, 3:15-4:30pm (from Tuesday 25th we will be going to the Hub to play on the Astroturf in order to keep the field fit for Sport’s Day)


Wednesday’s will be Drawing Club for children from Year R – Year 4 with Mrs Benn, 3:15-4pm


Thursday mornings will be Running Club, 8:15-8:45am - this is a flexible club and if the weather is not looking good you will find out by 7:45am if it is cancelled.


Online Payment System

Please could you remember to logon to the online payment system and pay for nursery fees, dinner money etc. on a regular basis. 


If you think you may be entitled to free school meals you can apply online or email/ring Miss Callander in the school office who will happily assist you to complete an application.


If you need assistance with the online payment system, please email/ring Miss Callander who will be happy to help you through the online process. Thank you for your understanding.


Take care

Mr Draper and all the team at Banks Methodist


‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’ Philippians 4:13


“Be bold and strong! Banish fear and doubt! For remember, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9


Letter No. 36                                                                                                  Christian Value: Trust    

28th June 2024



Dear Parents and Carers,


Stay and Learn – Creative Session

It was lovely to see so many attend our final Stay and Learn session of the year. Thank you for your lovely positive comments, they mean a lot to us all.


‘Lovely to spend time in the classroom and see what children get up to’

‘I think it’s a great idea and gives children opportunities to interact with their family within the school environment’

‘I love days like this where I can see my child work as part of team and independently. I really enjoyed it’

‘Lovely to see all the children participating in the music lesson, helping and supporting each other when it got challenging’

‘Loved the afternoon! Art and music sessions with my 2 children were a delight to be part of. Both my children enjoyed the sessions too. Well done everyone @TeamBanks’


Summer Fair

The weather wasn’t kind to us but the show went on. Thank you for supporting us and we hope you all enjoyed it. Thank you to all staff and parents/carers who helped during the lead up to the fair and on the day. A huge thank you must go to our amazing BMSC who have worked tirelessly to put on a superb Summer Fair. Hopefully on Sports Day, Tuesday 16th July, the sun is shining and we can have some of the stalls that should have taken place at the Summer Fair.



If your child(ren) is ill and not attending school it is important that you inform school by 9:15am. If the phone is engaged it is fine to leave a message using option 1 (reporting a pupil absence) or email


More on Attendance

The Department for Education has recently announced national changes to penalty notices issued for unauthorised absence in term time. These changes will come into effect on 19 August 2024.

The changes to be aware of are:

  • Penalty notices issued for offences that take place after 19 August 2024 will be charged at a new rate of £160 per parent per child. This can be paid at £80 if paid within 21 days.


  • Any second penalty notice issued to the same parent for the same child within a rolling 3-year period will be issued at the rate of £160 to be paid within 28 days with no option for a discounted rate.


  • The threshold at which a penalty notice must be considered is set at 10 sessions (equivalent to 5 days) of unauthorised absence within a rolling 10-school week period. This may include absences as a result of arriving late after the register closes. The 10 school weeks may span different terms or school years.


  • A maximum of 2 penalty notices may be issued to a parent for the same child within a rolling 3-year period, so at the 3rd (or subsequent) offence(s) another course of action will need to be considered (such as prosecution or one of the other attendance legal interventions). 


  • Only penalty notices issued for absences taking place after 19 August 2024 will count towards the above thresholds.


Absences can have a lasting effect on learning

Missing a week of school means your child will miss around 25 hours of learning

This creates gaps in their knowledge and could mean they will not meet their full potential


Battery Recycling

At school we help the environment by collecting old batteries for recycling. Please put old batteries in the white container which is located in Miss Callander’s office. Thanks in advance of your support.


Sunflower Competition

Send pictures to of your child with their sunflower by Monday 8th July


Key Dates:


3rd - Transition Session 2, 9-10:45am

4th – Hedgehogs end of year trip to Marine Lake

5th – Year 2 rearranged trip to Avenham Park

9th – Hedgehogs trip to White Coppice

10th – Pre-School and Reception trip to Smithills Farm

10th – BMSC Coffee Morning, 9-10:15am

12th – Foxes trip to Rock and River

15th – Nursery trip to Windmill Farm

16th – Transition Session 3, 9-10:45am

16th – Sports Day, 1:15pm

17th – End of year service at Banks St Stephen’s Church, 2:15pm

18th – Squirrels end of year trip to Martin Mere

18th – Foxes trip to Darwen Tower

19th – Year 6 Leaver’s Worship and Picnic, 12pm

19th – School closes for the Summer Holiday, 1:15pm


Nursery Places

We are booking in Nursery places for September onwards, so if you are interested, or know of anyone who is interested, reserve your place by contacting Miss Callander in the school office at or 01704 227323.


Breakfast and Afterschool Care Provision

Breakfast and Afterschool provision is available, booking on-line through Eduspot.


Breakfast Care:

7:45am drop off £2.50

8am drop off £2

8:30am drop off £1


After School Care

3:15-4:30pm £4.50 (Monday – Friday)

3:15-5:30pm £6.50 (Monday – Thursday)

4:15-4:35pm £2 – if attending a free club but still need after school care

4:15-5:30pm £4.50 – if attending a free club but still require after school care


If you need after school care with short notice, e.g. next day and are not able to book in, please could you ring Miss Callander in the office to let her know, especially for a 5:30pm pick up.


If children have not been booked in to care in advance and no other children are in after school care, there will be no staff prepared to supervise the children. 


However, we will always try out best to accommodate late requests and, if possible, have staff available to work at short notice. Thank you for your understanding.


School Dinners

Lunch Choices for the first week back after half term (week beginning 1st July 2024)

If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 they are entitled to a free school dinner.


Meat free Monday Meal

Choice 1 – Cheese whirl, sweet potato fries and beans

Choice 2 – Sandwiches with either ham, cheese or tuna

Dessert – Pancakes with bananas and chocolate sauce or fruit

Traditional Tuesday Meal

Choice 1 – Meat and potato pie with mushy peas, carrots and gravy

Choice 2 – Cheese and potato pie with mushy peas, carrots and gravy

Choice 3 – Jacket potato with either beans, cheese or tuna (children can have 2 fillings)

Dessert – Jam Sponge and custard or fruit

Mid-week Roast Wednesday Meal

Choice 1 – Roast pork and apple sauce with roast potatoes, vegetable medley and gravy

Choice 2 – Quorn fillet with roast potatoes, vegetable medley and gravy

Choice 3 – Sandwiches with either ham, cheese or tuna

Dessert – Fruit sorbet or fruit

Around the World Thursday Meal

Choice 1 – Mild chicken tikka with rainbow rice and naan bread

Choice 2 – Mild Quorn tikka with rainbow rice and naan bread

Choice 3 – Jacket potato with either beans, cheese or tuna (children can have 2 fillings)

Dessert – Trifle or fruit

Fish Friday Meal

Choice 1 – Harry Ramsden fish with chips and peas/sweetcorn

Choice 2 – Veggie nuggets with chips and peas/sweetcorn

Choice 3 – Sandwiches with either ham, cheese or tuna

Dessert – Homemade cupcake or fruit


After School Clubs starting after Half Term

Tuesday's will be Striking and Fielding games for children in Squirrels, Hedgehogs and Foxes, 3:15-4:15pm, delivered by a coach from the West Lancashire Sports Partnership


Tuesday’s will be Football Club for children in Year 2 – Year 6 with Mr Draper and Mr Wedlin, 3:15-4:30pm (from Tuesday 25th we will be going to the Hub to play on the Astroturf in order to keep the field fit for Sport’s Day)


Wednesday’s will be Drawing Club for children from Year R – Year 4 with Mrs Benn, 3:15-4pm


Thursday mornings will be Running Club, 8:15-8:45am - this is a flexible club and if the weather is not looking good you will find out by 7:45am if it is cancelled.

Online Payment System

Please could you remember to logon to the online payment system and pay for nursery fees, dinner money etc. on a regular basis. 


If you think you may be entitled to free school meals you can apply online or email/ring Miss Callander in the school office who will happily assist you to complete an application.


If you need assistance with the online payment system, please email/ring Miss Callander who will be happy to help you through the online process. Thank you for your understanding.


Take care

Mr Draper and all the team at Banks Methodist


‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’ Philippians 4:13


“Be bold and strong! Banish fear and doubt! For remember, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9


Letter No. 35                                                                                                  Christian Value: Trust    

21st June 2024



Dear Parents and Carers,


Thank you for your patience and understanding regarding Sport’s Day. The new date is Tuesday 16th July.


Stay and Learn – Creative Session

This will take place on Monday 24th June, 2:15-3pm, for all classes.

During the 45 minutes, parents will be able to work with their children on a range of creative activities that we carry out in school. We hope as many of you as possible can attend this session, If you have 2/3 children in different classes you can spend 15-25 minutes in each class.


Year 1 Trip to Hesketh Park

On Tuesday 25th June children in Year 1 will be going to Hesketh Park for a seasonal walk and a picnic. We will be leaving school at 10:30am and returning to school for 1:30pm. Children will need to bring a packed lunch to school with them. If you require a school lunch, please let Miss Callander know on Monday. Children can come to school in their PE kits. If it is sunny, please apply sun cream to your child before they come in to school. Children may need a coat.


Summer Fair, Saturday 29th June 2024, 11am-3pm

The Banks Methodist School Community Summer Fair is on Saturday 29th June, 11am-3pm.

If you can help out on a stall for 30 minutes to 1 hour (or longer if you can), please let me know (, or a member of the Banks Methodist School Community ( and we will add you to the list. Thank you for your continued support.


Battery Recycling

At school we help the environment by collecting old batteries for recycling. Please put old batteries in the white container which is located in Miss Callander’s office. Thanks in advance of your support.


Sunflower Competition

Send pictures to of your child with their sunflower by Monday 8th July.


Key Dates:


24th – Stay and Learn, Creative Session, 2:15-3:05pm

25th – Year 1 trip to Hesketh Park and picnic

26th – Hedgehogs Trip to Formby

29th – Summer Fair, 11am-3pm


3rd - Transition Session 2, 9-10:45am

4th – Hedgehogs end of year trip to Marine Lake

5th – Year 2 rearranged trip to Avenham Park

9th – Hedgehogs trip to White Coppice

10th – Pre-School and Reception trip to Smithills Farm

10th – BMSC Coffee Morning, 9-10:15am

12th – Foxes trip to Rock and River

15th – Nursery trip to Windmill Farm

16th – Transition Session 3, 9-10:45am

17th – End of year service at Banks St Stephen’s Church, 2:15pm

18th – Squirrels end of year trip to Martin Mere

18th – Foxes trip to Darwen Tower

19th – Year 6 Leaver’s Worship and Picnic, 12pm

19th – School closes for the Summer Holiday, 1:15pm



If your child(ren) is ill and not attending school it is important that you inform school by 9:15am. If the phone is engaged it is fine to leave a message using option 1 (reporting a pupil absence) or email


Nursery Places

We are booking in Nursery places for September onwards, so if you are interested, or know of anyone who is interested, reserve your place by contacting Miss Callander in the school office at         or 01704 227323.


Breakfast and Afterschool Care Provision

Breakfast and Afterschool provision is available, booking on-line through Eduspot.


Breakfast Care:

7:45am drop off £2.50

8am drop off £2

8:30am drop off £1


After School Care

3:15-4:30pm £4.50 (Monday – Friday)

3:15-5:30pm £6.50 (Monday – Thursday)

4:15-4:35pm £2 – if attending a free club but still need after school care

4:15-5:30pm £4.50 – if attending a free club but still require after school care


If you need after school care with short notice, e.g. next day and are not able to book in, please could you ring Miss Callander in the office to let her know, especially for a 5:30pm pick up.


If children have not been booked in to care in advance and no other children are in after school care, there will be no staff prepared to supervise the children. 


However, we will always try out best to accommodate late requests and, if possible, have staff available to work at short notice. Thank you for your understanding.


School Dinners

Lunch Choices for the first week back after half term (week beginning 24th June 2024)

If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 they are entitled to a free school dinner.


Meat free Monday Meal

Choice 1 – Cheese and tomato calzone with wedges and corn on the cob

Choice 2 – Sandwiches with either ham, cheese or tuna

Dessert – Oat and raisin flapjack or fruit

Traditional Tuesday Meal

Choice 1 – Cumberland sausage with creamy mash, peas, carrots and gravy

Choice 2 – Vegetarian sausage with creamy mash, peas, carrots and gravy

Choice 3 – Jacket potato with either beans, cheese or tuna (children can have 2 fillings)

Dessert – Apple crumble and custard or fruit

Mid-week Roast Wednesday Meal

Choice 1 – Roast chicken fillet with roast potatoes, vegetable medley, stuffing and gravy

Choice 2 – Quorn fillet with roast potatoes, vegetable medley, stuffing and gravy

Choice 3 – Sandwiches with either ham, cheese or tuna

Dessert – Iced strawberry smoothie or fruit

Around the World Thursday Meal

Choice 1 – Italian Bolognese pasta bake with garlic bread and side salad

Choice 2 – Veggie mince pasta bake with garlic bread and side salad

Choice 3 – Jacket potato with either beans, cheese or tuna (children can have 2 fillings)

Dessert – Fruity jelly with ice cream or fruit

Fish Friday Meal

Choice 1 – Fish fingers with chips and either beans or sweetcorn

Choice 2 – Veggie fingers with chips and either beans or sweetcorn

Choice 3 – Sandwiches with either ham, cheese or tuna

Dessert – Homemade cookies and milk drink or fruit


After School Clubs starting after Half Term

Tuesday's will be Striking and Fielding games for children in Squirrels, Hedgehogs and Foxes, 3:15-4:15pm, delivered by a coach from the West Lancashire Sports Partnership


Tuesday’s will be Football Club for children in Year 2 – Year 6 with Mr Draper and Mr Wedlin, 3:15-4:30pm (from Tuesday 25th we will be going to the Hub to play on the Astroturf in order to keep the field fit for Sport’s Day)


Wednesday’s will be Drawing Club for children from Year R – Year 4 with Mrs Benn, 3:15-4pm


Thursday mornings will be Running Club, 8:15-8:45am - this is a flexible club and if the weather is not looking good you will find out by 7:45am if it is cancelled.

Online Payment System

Please could you remember to logon to the online payment system and pay for nursery fees, dinner money etc. on a regular basis. 


If you think you may be entitled to free school meals you can apply online or email/ring Miss Callander in the school office who will happily assist you to complete an application.


If you need assistance with the online payment system, please email/ring Miss Callander who will be happy to help you through the online process. Thank you for your understanding.


Take care

Mr Draper and all the team at Banks Methodist


‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’ Philippians 4:13


“Be bold and strong! Banish fear and doubt! For remember, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9


Letter No. 34                                                                                                                                                  Christian Value: Trust    

14th June 2024



Dear Parents and Carers


Sports Day

Our rearranged Sports Day is on Tuesday 18th June. It will be starting at 1:15pm with children taking part in a range of sporting activities to gain points for their team. The BMSC will be selling refreshments throughout the event.


Coffee Morning

The next BMSC Coffee Morning is on Wednesday 19th June, 9-10:15am. If you cannot attend but would like to buy a raffle ticket at the cost of £2.50 for a chance to win a prize, please contact the BMSC on #TeamBanks


Warm Weather

As we enter Summer, on days when the sun is shining could children please come to school wearing sun cream and also bring a hat. As a school our policy states that we do not apply sun cream to children. Thank you in advance.


Stay and Learn – Creative Session

This will take place on Monday 24th June, 2:15-3pm, for all classes.

During the 45 minutes, parents will be able to work with their children on a range of creative activities that we carry out in school. We hope as many of you as possible can attend this session, If you have 2/3 children in different classes you can spend 15-25 minutes in each class.


Summer Fair, Saturday 29th June 2024, 11am-3pm

The Banks Methodist School Community Summer Fair is on Saturday 29th June, 11am-3pm.

If you can help out on a stall for 30 minutes to 1 hour (or longer if you can), please let me know (, or a member of the Banks Methodist School Community ( and we will add you to the list. Thank you for your continued support.


Our Christian Value for this half term is ‘Trust’

Trust is the very essence of faith; trust in God who is trustworthy.


What do we do in school in response to trust?

  • We think about who we can trust in our lives in school and at home and we think about why we trust these people
  • We know and learn we can trust the adults in school and they will be consistent with us    always
  • We learn to be trustworthy to each other
  • We learn that we can trust in Jesus and he will never let us down.
  • We learn stories in the Bible which explain what trust really means.
  • We learn that Jesus disciples trusted him


Battery Recycling

At school we help the environment by collecting old batteries for recycling. Please put old batteries in the white container which is located in Miss Callander’s office. Thanks in advance of your support.


Sunflower Competition

Send pictures to of your child with their sunflower by Monday 8th July.


Key Dates:


24th – Stay and Learn, Creative Session, 2:15-3:05pm

25th – Year 1 trip to Hesketh Park and picnic

26th – Hedgehogs Trip to Formby

29th – Summer Fair, 11am-3pm


3rd - Transition Session 2, 9-10:45am

4th – Hedgehogs end of year trip to Marine Lake

5th – Year 2 rearranged trip to Avenham Park

9th – Hedgehogs trip to White Coppice

10th – Pre-School and Reception trip to Smithills Farm

10th – BMSC Coffee Morning, 9-10:15am

12th – Foxes trip to Rock and River

15th – Nursery trip to Windmill Farm

16th – Transition Session 3, 9-10:45am

17th – End of year service at Banks St Stephen’s Church, 2:15pm

18th – Squirrels end of year trip to Martin Mere

18th – Foxes trip to Darwen Tower

19th – Year 6 Leaver’s Worship and Picnic, 12pm

19th – School closes for the Summer Holiday, 1:15pm



If your child(ren) is ill and not attending school it is important that you inform school by 9:15am. If the phone is engaged it is fine to leave a message using option 1 (reporting a pupil absence) or email


Nursery Places

We are booking in Nursery places for September onwards, so if you are interested, or know of anyone who is interested, reserve your place by contacting Miss Callander in the school office at or 01704 227323.


Breakfast and Afterschool Care Provision

Breakfast and Afterschool provision is available, booking on-line through Eduspot.


Breakfast Care:

7:45am drop off £2.50

8am drop off £2

8:30am drop off £1


After School Care

3:15-4:30pm £4.50 (Monday – Friday)

3:15-5:30pm £6.50 (Monday – Thursday)

4:15-4:35pm £2 – if attending a free club but still need after school care

4:15-5:30pm £4.50 – if attending a free club but still require after school care


If you need after school care with short notice, e.g. next day and are not able to book in, please could you ring Miss Callander in the office to let her know, especially for a 5:30pm pick up.


If children have not been booked in to care in advance and no other children are in after school care, there will be no staff prepared to supervise the children. 


However, we will always try out best to accommodate late requests and, if possible, have staff available to work at short notice. Thank you for your understanding.


School Dinners

Lunch Choices for the first week back after half term (week beginning 17th June 2024)

If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 they are entitled to a free school dinner.


Meat free Monday Meal

Choice 1 – Macaroni cheese with garlic flatbread and carrot/cucumber sticks

Choice 2 – Sandwiches with either ham, cheese or tuna

Dessert – Lemon drizzle cake or fruit

Traditional Tuesday Meal

Choice 1 – Beef burger (cheese optional) with tortilla chips and mixed salad

Choice 2 – Veggie burger (cheese optional) with tortilla chips and mixed salad

Choice 3 – Jacket potato with either beans, cheese or tuna (children can have 2 fillings)

Dessert – Chocolate sponge and chocolate custard or fruit

Mid-week Roast Wednesday Meal

Choice 1 – Roast ham with roast potatoes, vegetable medley and gravy

Choice 2 – Cauliflower cheese with roast potatoes, vegetable medley and gravy

Choice 3 – Sandwiches with either ham, cheese or tuna

Dessert – Iced raspberry ripple mousse or fruit

Around the World Thursday Meal

Choice 1 – Chicken chow mein with mixed peppers

Choice 2 – Vegetable chow mein with mixed peppers

Choice 3 – Jacket potato with either beans, cheese or tuna (children can have 2 fillings)

Dessert – Fresh fruit salad

Fish Friday Meal

Choice 1 – Fish cakes with chips and sweetcorn or beans

Choice 2 – Veggie fingers with chips and sweetcorn or beans

Choice 3 – Sandwiches with either ham, cheese or tuna

Dessert – Homemade traybake or fruit


After School Clubs starting after Half Term

Tuesday's will be Striking and Fielding games for children in Squirrels, Hedgehogs and Foxes, 3:15-4:15pm, delivered by a coach from the West Lancashire Sports Partnership


Tuesday’s will be Football Club for children in Year 2 – Year 6 with Mr Draper and Mr Wedlin, 3:15-4:15pm


Wednesday’s will be Drawing Club for children from Year R – Year 4 with Mrs Benn, 3:15-4pm


Thursday mornings will be Running Club, 8:15-8:45am - this is a flexible club and if the weather is not looking good you will find out by 7:45am if it is cancelled.


Online Payment System

Please could you remember to logon to the online payment system and pay for nursery fees, dinner money etc. on a regular basis. 


If you think you may be entitled to free school meals you can apply online or email/ring Miss Callander in the school office who will happily assist you to complete an application.


If you need assistance with the online payment system, please email/ring Miss Callander who will be happy to help you through the online process. Thank you for your understanding.


Take care

Mr Draper and all the team at Banks Methodist



‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’ Philippians 4:13


“Be bold and strong! Banish fear and doubt! For remember, the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9


Letter No. 33                                                                                                  Christian Value: Trust    

7th June 2024



Dear Parents and Carers


SHINE Fundraiser - Go Yellow for Shine!

This year's Go Yellow for Shine event will take place on Friday 14th June and as a school we will be dressing in yellow.

By going yellow we will be increasing awareness of spina bifida and hydrocephalus and raising vital funds so that Shine can continue to provide specialist advice and support services to those affected by the conditions.


To donate please click on the following link


Year 2 Trip to Avenham Park

On Wednesday 12th February, children in Year 2 will be going on their repeat trip to Avenham Park in Preston for their Summer seasonal walk and picnic.  They will be leaving school at 10:30am and will return for 2pm. Children need to bring a pack lunch into school with them to take on the trip. If you require a school packed lunch, please email Miss Callander on by Monday 10th June. Mrs Benn, Mr Draper and Mrs Layton will be taking the children on the trip.


Warm Weather

As we enter Summer, on days when the sun is shining could children please come to school wearing sun cream and also bring a hat. As a school our policy states that we do not apply sun cream to children. Thank you in advance.


Stay and Learn – Creative Session

This will take place on Monday 24th June, 2:15-3pm, for all classes.

During the 45 minutes, parents will be able to work with their children on a range of creative activities that we carry out in school. We hope as many of you as possible can attend this session, If you have 2/3 children in different classes you can spend 15-25 minutes in each class.


Battery Recycling

At school we help the environment by collecting old batteries for recycling. Please put old batteries in the white container which is located in Miss Callander’s office. Thanks in advance of your support.


Sunflower Competition

Send pictures to of your child with their sunflower by Monday 8th July.


Sports Day

Thank you for your understanding regarding the rearrangement of Sports Day. The new date is Tuesday 18th June, 1:15pm.


Summer Fair, Saturday 29th June 2024, 11am-3pm

The Banks Methodist School Community Summer Fair is on Saturday 29th June, 11am-3pm.

If you can help out on a stall for 30 minutes to 1 hour (or longer if you can), please let me know (, or a member of the Banks Methodist School Community ( and we will add you to the list. Thank you for your continued support.


Our Christian Value for this half term is ‘Trust’

Trust is the very essence of faith; trust in God who is trustworthy.


Trust entails vulnerability and putting yourself in others’ hands. We have to trust experts – teachers, pilots, dentists, surgeons. Yet, within our society, there often seems to be mutual distrust between people and those responsible for governing them.


Trust is central to civilised society, to living together in harmony, so it is to be valued and honoured. With wisdom and discernment, we can relearn to trust. We can begin to rebuild trust in our mistrustful society by being reliable ourselves, by not letting people down. Similarly, when we work with others, if we are willing to let go of control ourselves and trust in the abilities and integrity of others, everyone can be enriched. Jesus, after all, entrusted his ongoing work to his disciples and ultimately to us.


What do we do in school in response to trust?

  • We think about who we can trust in our lives in school and at home and we think about why we trust these people
  • We know and learn we can trust the adults in school and they will be consistent with us always
  • We learn to be trustworthy to each other
  • We learn that we can trust in Jesus and he will never let us down.
  • We learn stories in the Bible which explain what trust really means.
  • We learn that Jesus disciples trusted him


Key Dates:


17th – Transition Session 1, 9-10:45am

18th – Sport Day, 1:15pm

19th – BMSC Coffee Morning, 9-10:15am

21st – Non-Uniform Day

24th – Stay and Learn, Creative Session, 2:05-3:05pm

25th – Year 1 trip to Hesketh Park and picnic

26th – Hedgehogs Trip to Formby

29th – Summer Fair, 11am-3pm


3rd - Transition Session 2, 9-10:45am

4th – Hedgehogs end of year trip to Marine Lake

9th – Hedgehogs trip to White Coppice

10th – Pre-School and Reception trip to Smithills Farm

10th – BMSC Coffee Morning, 9-10:15am

12th – Foxes trip to Rock and River

15th – Nursery trip to Windmill Farm

16th – Transition Session 3, 9-10:45am

17th – End of year service at Banks St Stephen’s Church, 2:15pm

18th – Squirrels end of year trip to Martin Mere

18th – Foxes trip to Darwen Tower

19th – Year 6 Leaver’s Worship and Picnic, 12pm

19th – School closes for the Summer Holiday, 1:15pm



If your child(ren) is ill and not attending school it is important that you inform school by 9:15am. If the phone is engaged it is fine to leave a message using option 1 (reporting a pupil absence) or email


Nursery Places

We are booking in Nursery places for September onwards, so if you are interested, or know of anyone who is interested, reserve your place by contacting Miss Callander in the school office at or 01704 227323.


Breakfast and Afterschool Care Provision

Breakfast and Afterschool provision is available, booking on-line through Eduspot.


Breakfast Care:

7:45am drop off £2.50

8am drop off £2

8:30am drop off £1


After School Care

3:15-4:30pm £4.50 (Monday – Friday)

3:15-5:30pm £6.50 (Monday – Thursday)

4:15-4:35pm £2 – if attending a free club but still need after school care

4:15-5:30pm £4.50 – if attending a free club but still require after school care


If you need after school care with short notice, e.g. next day and are not able to book in, please could you ring Miss Callander in the office to let her know, especially for a 5:30pm pick up.


If children have not been booked in to care in advance and no other children are in after school care, there will be no staff prepared to supervise the children. 


However, we will always try out best to accommodate late requests and, if possible, have staff available to work at short notice. Thank you for your understanding.


School Dinners

Lunch Choices for the first week back after half term (week beginning 10th June 2024)

If your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 they are entitled to a free school dinner.


Meat free Monday Meal

Choice 1 – Vegetable frittata, sweet potato fries and beans

Choice 2 – Sandwiches with either ham, cheese or tuna

Dessert – Pancakes with bananas and chocolate sauce or fruit

Traditional Tuesday Meal

Choice 1 – Meat and potato pie with mushy peas, carrots and gravy

Choice 2 – Cheese and potato pie with mushy peas, carrots and gravy

Choice 3 – Jacket potato with either beans, cheese or tuna (children can have 2 fillings)

Dessert – Jam Sponge and custard or fruit

Mid-week Roast Wednesday Meal

Choice 1 – Roast pork and apple sauce with roast potatoes, vegetable medley and gravy

Choice 2 – Quorn fillet with roast potatoes, vegetable medley and gravy

Choice 3 – Sandwiches with either ham, cheese or tuna

Dessert – Fruit sorbet or fruit

Around the World Thursday Meal

Choice 1 – Mild chicken tikka with rainbow rice and naan bread

Choice 2 – Mild Quorn tikka with rainbow rice and naan bread

Choice 3 – Jacket potato with either beans, cheese or tuna (children can have 2 fillings)

Dessert – Trifle or fruit

Fish Friday Meal

Choice 1 – Harry Ramsden fish with chips and peas/sweetcorn

Choice 2 – Veggie nuggets with chips and peas/sweetcorn

Choice 3 – Sandwiches with either ham, cheese or tuna

Dessert – Homemade cupcake or fruit


After School Clubs starting after Half Term

Tuesday's will be Striking and Fielding games for children in Squirrels, Hedgehogs and Foxes, 3:15-4:15pm, delivered by a coach from the West Lancashire Sports Partnership


Tuesday’s will be Football Club for children in Year 2 – Year 6 with Mr Draper and Mr Wedlin, 3:15-4:15pm


Wednesday’s will be Drawing Club for children from Year R – Year 4 with Mrs Benn, 3:15-4pm


Thursday mornings will be Running Club, 8:15-8:45am - this is a flexible club and if the weather is not looking good you will find out by 7:45am if it is cancelled.


Online Payment System

Please could you remember to logon to the online payment system and pay for nursery fees, dinner money etc. on a regular basis. 


If you think you may be entitled to free school meals you can apply online or email/ring Miss Callander in the school office who will happily assist you to complete an application.


If you need assistance with the online payment system, please email/ring Miss Callander who will be happy to help you through the online process. Thank you for your understanding.



Take care

Mr Draper and all the team at Banks Methodist

