'We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us', Philippians 4:13; Be bold, be strong, for the Lord our God is with us' Joshua 1:9: Our Christian Value for this half term is: Friendship
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Banks Methodist SchoolLearning Together with Resilience and Faith

Welcome toBanks Methodist SchoolLearning Together with Resilience and Faith

Special Educational Needs and Disabililites


SENCo- Mrs Holly Benn

01704 227323



Should you have any queries relating to SEN, please ring or email and I'll be more than

happy to speak and/or arrange a meeting with you.


As a school we are committed to ensuring that all children, regardless of any additional needs, receive a high quality education in our school, both academic and social.


Special educational provision is that which is additional to or different from the educational provision made generally for children of their age. Each child requiring special provision is placed on a support plan to support their individual needs and an individual provision map is written. The support plan identifies their need or needs and specific targets are set.

The four broad areas of needs are:

  • Communication and Interaction Needs
  • Cognition and Learning Needs
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs
  • Sensory and/or Physical Needs

Some children may have needs which fall into more than one category.  The categories are not used to define children but are instead used to plan the correct support/provision. For more information on areas of need, please click on the star.


A difficulty is defined having a greater difficulty compared to the majority of the children of the same age and/or have a disability which prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age. 


The emphasis of our Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) policy is on the early identification of any difficulties a child may have and to respond to these needs by offering an appropriate learning environment in which a range of differentiated activities are provided.


If we believe your child is finding any aspect of school difficult we will involve you immediately to share our concerns and to discuss if the difficulties also occur at home and what we can do to support your child. This might mean we involve external support such as educational psychologists, behaviour specialists or speech and language therapists to provide the support your child needs and we will always involve you in these decisions.


If you believe your child is struggling in school or at home. Please come and share your concerns so we can support you and your family. We have an open door policy and are always available to speak to you.


We welcome all children into school, regardless of their individual needs. We suggest that you contact school as soon as possible to arrange to have a look around and discuss your child’s needs and how we can support them. 


The school's Special Needs Policy is supported by advice and documentation provided by the Lancashire Education Inclusion Service [LEIS].


Lancashire County Council's Local Offer

Please click on the link to view the Lancashire County Councils Local Offer.

The local offer brings together information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities and their families.



Useful Websites;

Independent Parental Special Education Advice– Provides free, legally based Special Education advice.

National Autistic Society – The National Autistic Society website, the main UK charity for supporting people with ASD and their families.

Widgit Symbol Resources – Symbolled resources for different topics and areas of life, including resources for fire safety and about visiting the doctors/dentists.

Special Needs Kids – An information directory for parents and carers.

Autism UK –Contains lots of information on ASD.

Autism Speaks – A comprehensive site, with a useful resource library.

One Place for Special Needs – A really useful set of social stories to share with children, covering topics ranging from coping with a new baby in the family to getting a haircut to making friends.

Winston's Wish – a fantastic website full of information to support children and young people after the death of a parent or sibling. 

Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions 2020

Public Duty Equality Statement 2021

If you require any SEND documents in a paper copy, please contact the school office and we will provide free of charge. 

