'We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us', Philippians 4:13; Be bold, be strong, for the Lord our God is with us' Joshua 1:9: Our Christian Value for this half term is: Trust
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Banks Methodist SchoolLearning Together with Resilience and Faith

Welcome toBanks Methodist SchoolLearning Together with Resilience and Faith

Sickness and Medicines

First Aid

Most of our staff in school are first aid at work trained and 4 members of staff are level 3 paediatric first aid trained. If your child has a minor accident during the day this will be dealt with by one of our first aiders and where we feel necessary we will inform you when you collect your child. All head injuries will be reported to you using a "bumped head slip". Please return these to school signed so we know that you have seen the note.

If a more serious accident occurs, we will make every effort to contact you immediately. If emergency treatment is required, e.g. 'phoning for an ambulance, we shall act appropriately then get in touch with you. It is important we always have an up to date contact number so we can get hold of you



Sometimes your child is prescribed medication that is to be taken at school or a course of treatment is to be completed following return to school. This may require a teacher administering the medicine. Staff will adminster the medicine but you must complete a permission form in the office for this to happen and ensure the Headteacher is aware that medicine will be in school.

A record is kept in school of medication administered. Please note that it is school policy NOT to administer NON-PRESCRIBED medication.

Where timing and/or dosage is critical, or the medication may be classified as a danger to another child, you will be expected to deal with it yourself. If you do send medicine to school it should be in a sealed container which states CLEARLY:

  • Child’s name

  • Amount of Dose

  • Timing of Dose


Clinic Appointments

Pupils should be collected from, and returned to, school by a responsible adult. It would be appreciated if school could be informed, in advance, of any impending appointments. We cannot permit a child to leave school unaccompanied without a note stating this.

Absence from school for appointments when registers are closed i.e. 9.15am and 1.15pm will require notification, otherwise an unauthorised absence may be recorded.


Some useful information

If your child has had a stomach upset which has caused sickness or diarrhea they must stay off school for 48 following the last episode of illness in order not to pass on any infection.


Disease                Incubation                                        Minimum period of exclusion

Chickenpox           11-21 days                                         5 days from onset of rash

German Measles    14-21 days                                         6 days from onset of rash

Measles                10-15 days                                         4 days from onset of rash

Mumps                 10-26 days                                         Until swelling has subsided

Whooping cough    7-10 days                                          21 days from onset of cough

Impetigo               until local lesion is healed

Infective Jaundice  15-21 days                                        7 days from onset of jaundice

Scabies                 until adequate treatment is instituted

NB Children who have been in contact with the above need not be excluded from school.



School Nurse Team

If you have any queries on health matters at all you can contact the clinic at

Tarleton Health Centre tel: 01772 814911


The nurse will:

  • check children’s vision and feet routinely;

  • will check your child’s hearing, should there be a concern, and then only with your consent;

  • will refer to the Speech Therapist any children who might benefit from a course of speech therapy;

  • will carry out all school entry assessments in Reception to which you will receive an invitation ;

  • will liaise between school and home;


School Medical Officer

  • will carry out selective examinations on children during his/her last year in school


School Dental Officer

  • will examine your child’s teeth fairly infrequently during the primary school phase but will report to you if treatment is needed therefore, parents are advised to continue with their own private arrangements.



  • We have an Asthma Register and a note is kept in the front of the Class Register for temporary teachers to note.
  • We would like you to inform us if your child has asthma, this will ensure that our records are maintained. We need to know details of your child’s inhaler treatment and clear guidance on correct usage will be requested.