Falcons - Year 5/6
Homework club is held every Tuesday lunchtime at 12:30pm to help catch up on any missing homework, have access to laptops/internet or have support with topics they find difficult
Eagles - Year 3/4
Eagles will be given one piece of English and one piece of Maths homework to complete each week. This will go home either on a Tuesday or Wednesday. Homework is due in the following Monday.
Children have access to Purple Mash, Timetable Rock Stars and Mathletics. Their logins are glued in their homework book. This is so they can access these websites at home if they wish to.
Spelling and times table tests are usually completed on a Friday. The new list will be given on the same day. The date at the top of the spelling and times table list is the date of the test.
Owls - Year 1/2
1. Access www.phonicsbloom.com to practise recognition of real and fake words
Step 1. Click on phase 5 games ‘play now’
Step 2. Scroll down and click on Obb and Bob game
Step 3 Click on ’Revise all’
Step 4 Drag the words to the ‘Real’ or ‘fake’ alien
Challenge: Find an object at home and write some sentences describing the object using adjectives. Read the sentences back to a grown up at home and see if they can guess the object.
2. Access Times Tables Rockstars with your personal login and practice your times tables on this fun website https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student (personal logins will be put into reading diaries)
3. Practice writing the numbers 1 to 9 in numbers and words.
4. Find a page in one of their favourite books (home or school book) with an illustration on the page. Talk about the picture with an adult. What can they see in the picture? Do they have any questions about the things they can see on the page? Are there characters on the page? How would they describe them? If they could ask them a question what would they ask?
5. Watch the weather forecast, what does the forecast say that the weather is going to be like? Check the next day if the forecast was accurate.
6. Tell an adult at home about the story of Jonah and the Whale.
7. Challenge yourself to read at least 4 times per week, what new words have you learnt? Share them in class.
Penguins - Reception