'We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us', Philippians 4:13; Be bold, be strong, for the Lord our God is with us' Joshua 1:9: Our Christian Value for this half term is: Thankfulness
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Banks Methodist SchoolLearning Together with Resilience and Faith

Welcome toBanks Methodist SchoolLearning Together with Resilience and Faith


Biographies - 29.06.2021

Based on our novel of Wonder, this week we have been focusing on biographies. The children have used various skimming, scanning and close reading techniques across texts to locate facts. We also looked at the meaning of new vocabulary and highlighted key features of a biography using a given template. 

Human Digestive System - 18.06.2021

As part of our reading lessons this week, we have been focusing on a text about the human digestive system, summarising the main ideas and identifying key details to support them. One of our activities, was to retrieve, record and present information from the non-fiction text to ensure it would be suitable for younger children.  After we had finished producing our writing, we shared our work with some of the children from Eagles, discussing and describing the simple functions of the basic parts of the human digestive system. 

Limerick Poems - 28.05.2021

This week in Falcons, we have wrote our own limerick poems. The children tried very hard to ensure they followed the rules of the nonsense and silly poems, including the rhyming and syllable patterns! Today we have performed our creations, learning them by heart!

Mary Anning

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Mary Anning

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Butterfly from Amazon Rainforest

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Cheetah from Amazon Rainforest

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Butterfly from Amazon Rainforest

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Amazon Rainforest Tribe Member

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Monkey from Amazon Rainforest

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Monkey from Amazon Rainforest

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Cheetah from Amazon Rainforest

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Amazon Rainforest Tribe Member

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Performing Limericks - 25.05.2021

This week in English, we have been looking at limericks. Today, the children chose two of their favourite limericks studied to perform by heart. We tried really hard to focus on our intonation, tone and volume so that the meaning is clear to an audience.

'There was an old man with a beard'

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'There was an old man from Peru'

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Character development - 16.04.2021

In English, we have focusing at the main characters of our book - Journey to the River Sea by Eva Ibbotson. We are developing our reading skills by practising the skimming and scanning technique, we had to skim and scan extracts of the book to decide who they were describing. We then worked collaboratively, writing and sharing information about the various characters. We worked very hard to find specific detail, improve our vocabulary and expand on points already made. 
