'We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us', Philippians 4:13; Be bold, be strong, for the Lord our God is with us' Joshua 1:9: Our Christian Value for this half term is: Trust
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Banks Methodist SchoolLearning Together with Resilience and Faith

Welcome toBanks Methodist SchoolLearning Together with Resilience and Faith

Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE)

WC 17th May 


This week, we have been looking at things that are special to us. As a class, we decided to make a patchwork of drawings that included something that is special to us. This could be an object, pet or person. We have hung our art in our class so we can look and be remined of our special something when needed. 

WC 10th May 


This week we have been looking at dealing with loss. We read the book - I'll Always Love You by Hans Wilhelm. In this book, we meet a boy and his beloved dog, Elfie. At the end of the book, Elfie sadly passes away due to old age. As a class, we created a memory box full of things that could help the boy process the loss of his dog and help create happy memories for him to look back on. Just children drew pictures of Elfie's favorite things, wrote poems and said some lovely words whilst filling the memory box.

Our Memory Box

WC 3rd May


This week we have been discussing our relationships with animals and whether or not we should eat meat. Eagles were then split into two groups and were either for or against eating meat. There children were given time to prepare for the debate. We took part in a conscience ally activity to hear both sides to the argument. In the end, the children decided it was all about having a good balance.

Conscience Alley
